Living for Christ, Loving the Community

Past Events (Page 7)

2018 Women’s Retreat Registration

Plans are underway for a retreat where you will be fed and nourished spiritually, as well as enjoying fellowship with other women. The 2018 Women Retreat is October 7 – October 9, 2017 at Sandy Cove Ministries in North East, Maryland! Flyers and Registration Form located in the vestibule and G Street entry. Contact First Lady Wanda Minter (240) 476-7658 for more information.

2017 Women’s Retreat Registration

Plans are underway for a retreat where you will be fed and nourished spiritually, as well as enjoying fellowship with other women. The 2017 women’s retreat is October 8 – October 10, 2017 at Sandy Cove Ministries in North East, Maryland! Flyers and Registration forms located in the vestibule and G Street entry. Contact First Lady Wanda Minter (240) 476-7658 for more…

Family & Friends Day

Come join us for worship Sunday, June 4 for our annual Family & Friends Day service, where you are highly encouraged to invite all your family and friends to worship with us. There will be 9:00am Sunday school and one 10:00am service. We will have a great time in the Lord, and even give away Prizes to the FRBC member with the…

FRBC Annual Church Picnic

Come out and join us Saturday, June 3 at Hagan Field from 1pm-6pm for our annual Church Picnic!! There will be food, fun, and fellowship for all, so come on by and bring a friend. We look forward to seeing you! 

First Rock Baptist Church 60th Anniversary Week

Join us all week in celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Church, and the 13th Anniversary of Pastor Anthony L. Minter. We will be joined in service all week by guest preachers who are sure to bring a word from God. Then on Friday, we will conclude the week with a Banquet. Be sure to purchase your ticket by April 28th! Tickets…