Announcements 2/9/2025
- The men’s ministry wants to invite everyone out to the first ever FRBC Praise Bowl! This is a super bowl watch party, this evening, downstairs in the Joseph W King Fellowship Hall. Doors will open at 6 PM, the Super Bowl begins at 6:30 pm. There will be praise, prayer, food, card games, a big screen, and sound system. If you were looking for a fun, safe place to watch the Super Bowl, come on out! Flyers are in the vestibule and at the G street door, its open to everyone, so invite a friend and come out!
- Staff: We have a staff meeting tomorrow, Monday, February 10th, at 10:30 am in the David L. Howard Fellowship Hall
- Leaders: Our leadership meeting is coming up on third Saturday, February 15th in the JWK fellowship Hall. This time, as well as the one in March, it will start at 9 am and end at 12 pm.
- Pastor Minter would like to invite everyone out to the Men of Color Chorale’s concert coming up this coming Saturday, February 15th at 4 pm at Silver Spring United Methodist Church. That address is 8900 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD, 20910. Flyers with complete information are in the vestibule and at the G street entrance.
- Pastor Minter will be preaching out next Sunday, February 16th at 2 pm at Guildfield Baptist Church for their Officers Installation Service. That address is 1023 Otis Street NE, Washington DC 20017. All are invited.
- The Daniel Higher Education Ministry would like to recognize students that have done well during this first half of the school year. First semester report cards for this school year should be coming out very soon. Please remember to print off your report card and submit it to the Admin Office as soon as you receive it. If you don’t have access to a printer, please forward your report via email to the church office.
- All those in or interested in singing in the Mass choir, rehearsals will start on the First Saturday of March. The Mass choir will rehearse every 1st and 3rd Saturday, unless otherwise noted
- Please remember our in-Person adult Bible class on Tuesday nights at 6:30 pm. A light dinner is served. The theme is Christian Fellowship. Also remember that we have youth Bible study every Wednesday nights at 7:30 pm in the David L Howard Fellowship Hall and Young Adult Bible study on Wednesday Nights at 8 pm in the Joseph W King fellowship Hall
- Please remember that our Clothing Bank ministry will begin accepting new, gently used, and clean read to wear clothing, shoe, and accessory donations. Anything with tears or stains will not be accepted. Let the Clothing Bank help you clean out your closet by donation items you no longer want or wear. The FRBC Clothing Bank will open to patrons and donation drop-offs every 3rd Saturday of each month, starting on February 15th, 2025. The hours are from 11 AM – 3 PM, however in March, they will be open on 4th Saturday, March 22nd, from 12:30 PM – 4 PM for their open house.
- It is now February, Black history month!, so again we encourage you to wear your African garb or your HBCU clothing items throughout the entire month of February, but especially on 4th Sunday, which is our Heritage Day service! So be sure to come out and celebrate our heritage with us at our 10 am heritage day service on 4th Sunday, February 23rd, which will also jointly be Youth Sunday.
- Thank you for your generous giving, which can be done by going to our website, or by downloading the Givelify app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store, by mailing your contributions in to 4630 Alabama Avenue SE Washington DC 20019, by dropping them in our mail slot on the G street side of the church, or by dropping them into the baskets to your right, if you are here with us in person. Or you can simply text the word give to 833-245-5475